We reconnected with Mery Padilla in Perú and planned the typical week of screening patients and performing surgeries. The team was aimed at performing General Surgery and Gynecological Surgery. General Surgery was offered by Rolando Rolandelli and Nina Fallon with Amanda Nemecz and Alex Rowan. Gynecological Surgery was offered by Michaell Kuchera and Michael Ingber with Miriam Campeas. The anesthesia team was led by Rebecca Martinez with Cristina Brown, Carolina Gomez and Kali Schmidt. The nursing team was led by Mel Ayhan and included Maureen McGrath, Judy Cortez, Connie Beam, Carl Brown, Yuri Jaramillo, Kathleen Kuchera and Rachel Thompson. Support members included Mercedes Rolandelli (interpreter), Suki Dewey (instrument processing), Remmey and Ashley McEnroe (schedule).
On Sunday we did the typical screening of patients and planned on surgeries for Monday through Friday. The team did a total of 73 surgeries and was ready to come home when a terrible accident at the Lima airport (airplane of takeoff crashed with fire truck in the runway). The airport was closed for incoming and outgoing flights. The team retreated in Tarapoto awaiting alternative flight arrangements by Stefanie Coakes. Through various routes and airlines all team members were home by Thanksgiving Day.